
What gives you strength?
It’s interesting today as I ponder the idea of strength building. What builds strength is actually that which exhausts us often. On a physical level strength training is all about hypertrophy, which is the process of increasing the muscle mass. We do this by lifting more weight that we do on a regular, walking around the house kind of way…or by doing it more often (repetition.) When we do this we actually create little microtears in the muscle. Taking a day off between weighted workouts allows the muscle time to repair itself and when it does it heals stronger than it was before. The next time you do that workout your muscles actually remember and recruit more muscles fibers to lift that weight. Over time you become stronger.

Take a moment just consider how this mirrors your spiritual life. How do you challenge those “muscles?” Are you willing to move out of your comfort zone to gain some spiritual strength? When you consider that prospect, what comes to you?