The Face of God

Mrs. Metaphor

Hi there all my lovelies,

I know it’s been a while since we last met up here on and I’m sorry about that! Someone told me once never to apologize for taking a long time to post on a blog but in this case, it seems legit.

Suffice it to say that I’ve been doing a bunch of other stuff, not the least of which is writing a few books. The latest comes out next week, in fact. So you know, there’s that.

But, you know, I’m not actually reaching out to you today to tell you about the new book. I’m reaching out to ask you to support another cause I’m working on.

Many of you know that I worked in film here in Chicago for a number of years. Last year I started working remotely with a digital publishing house in Vancouver called Bright Wing. I…

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Fitspo for real people…

Mrs. Metaphor

I’m tired of being told that one food is full evil while another is all angel. I call BS on this and will continue in my delishatarian ways! So, to strengthen my cause I’ve created my first #fitspo (read: fitspiration) meme. Come on along, all my people!

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Lenten DoxaSoma Devotional

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We’re excited to let you know that our Lenten Devotional is now available from a variety of sources!

Walk with us through the 40 days of Lent to get your focus right as we approach Easter. Like our other devotionals you will take one position each day, have a scripture verse on which to focus and then journal your thoughts. You’ll be building your practice, your prayer life and your perspective.

We hope you enjoy it!

Pick up the eBook version here

Amazon (kindle version)

Sellfy (kindle and pdf)

iBooks (.mobi)

Or get the paperback copy here on Amazon.


Advent devotions…

It’s that time of year again…we are in a state of preparation. As Christians this is a good time, this season of waiting and hope, to get our focus right. It can be hard to get and keep that focus of the coming of Christ! There are so many things to distract us.

You can help to set and keep the focus by downloading our new eBook, DoxaSoma: Daily Practice of Advent. Follow along with us each day, breathing and finding that focus.

You can get your copy by clicking below and begin your practice at any time!

Daily Practice of Advent

Day 7: Temple

Nearly Orthodox1


Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own. – 1 Cor. 6:19

About 18 years ago I was sitting on a beach in the late afternoon. My husband and I were in Long Beach, California for a video shoot. At that time we were just starting our film production business, we had the ability to travel together to shoots, he would be doing the camera work and I’d run sound and production manage. We were done with our work for the day and we sat on the beach together reading and talking. I had picked up a copy of “Shape” magazine to read on the plane and I leafed through it, staring at the pictures of the super fit women that adorned the pages. It promised me thinner thighs and a firmer…

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The elephant in the room…

Mrs. Metaphor

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It’s been a busy a good way, that is.

First, I get an essay published about being a monk in the world, then I have something show up on Elephant Journal about my hatred of kombucha. #truestory

If you get a chance go and check it out! If you share it liberally there’s a chance I’ll buy you a donut next time I see you. Be warned, though, that most likely I’ll make you do 20 sit ups first.


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New website and expanded blog!

We love our readers here on our wordpress blog. It’s been a long and wonderful road and we’re so thankful for you, our readers and subscribers!

DoxaSoma has spent the last year expanding and revamping all kinds of things- our workshops, our manual, our positions cards, our website and now our blog as well!

We’ll still post things here from time to time and of course the archived material will stay here for as long as WordPress is glad to host it but we’ll be posting new information for the most part, on our new website!

I hope you’ll take a moment to check it out. We look forward to seeing you on the new site and blog 🙂

You can find it here:

Doxasoma- The Daily Practice

FAQ: Online Classes!

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Frequently asked questions about PowHow classes!
1) Can anyone else see me during the class?
Yes! I can! As your instructor I can see your positioning and you can see my demonstration. It’s like a skype call only we’ll be moving through Doxasoma together. No other participants can see you, however.

2)Will I be on the recording?
No! Only my demonstration will be recorded. We can interact during the class, you can ask questions or give feedback but only my portion of the class is recorded.

3)What about the technology? Is it hard to learn?
There may be some learning curve on getting the webcam/audio the first time but I always try to make sure new participants have some time to ramp up on that part. You can ask at any time if you’re having trouble.

4)Why not just do videos? What’s so great about live classes?
Accountability! When we’re all there together I’ll encourage you to keep going, to stretch into your goals and to hold the positions a little longer to reach the strength you didn’t know you had! The recordings are great to keep the momentum going til we meet again as a “class” but the live classes really help us to press forward and keep things moving.

I hope to see you at PowHow (or in person!) soon 🙂